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Here is a Brief Description of Each Document

The author describes his own personal experiences, with true life events, of how believing in Jesus has impacted the author's life.

A brief explanation of our mission and vision statement and what you can expect from reading our various website PDF documents.

We introduce you to why we created our website and explain its structure. We also list what we think are the nine key components on which Biblical Christianity is built.

We offer a glimpse of how your life will positively change if you choose to believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

We present a summary of the main reasons why we think you wil want to choose to have a relationship with JesusChrist - and wity Him over anyone else.

Here we begin to introduce what your life will look and feel like, and how it wil be dramatically enhanced as you start toadopt Christ-like behaviors.

To help you get started on learning what you need to know about Jesus Christ, we offer our thoughts on some key.